2020 MPS "Name the Peony Show" Contest Winner

This year, MPS held its “Name the Peony Show” contest event at the fall auction at Bachman’s on Lyndale. The call was put out in the Fall newsletter and Cindy Larson collected the potential names from MPS members. This year, we had 19 different names submitted by 8 members. Each member is allowed up to 3 entries. The voting slips are handed out prior the auction and those in attendance voted for their favorite. After the approximately 72 votes were counted, Todd, our MPS president, called for the announcement. 

And the winner is! – “Tapestry of Peonies”, submitted by Karen McCauley.

The winner receives a $40 gift certificate to the MPS fall auction. Congratulations Karen! Peony growers and admirers will be looking forward to the MPS peony show “Tapestry of Peonies” on June 6th-7th, 2020.

Author: david

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